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Could Your Feet Be the Root Cause of Your Pain?

Do you have lower back pain, hip pain, knee pain, or sciatica? Your feet may be to blame.

heel-pain-while-walking-sq-300Even if your feet don’t hurt, they could still be the underlying cause of your discomfort. When your feet are not properly positioned or supported, they can lead to biomechanical issues, neurological deficits, spinal misalignments, and problems throughout the rest of your body. If your foot arch collapses (resulting in flat feet), you lose stability in the foundation of your entire body—just like how a weak foundation in a house can cause structural issues. A misaligned knee can lead to a dropped pelvis, which results in a leg length discrepancy. This chain reaction can cause spinal pain, neck pain, and headaches—all of which may originate from your feet!

One effective way to correct these issues is through chiropractic care to restore alignment, combined with foot orthotics for proper support. Custom orthotics help realign the bones in the foot and ankle, alleviating pressure on other areas of the body such as the back, neck, shoulders, hips, and knees. Additionally, orthotics promote even weight distribution, reducing strain on the toes, bunions, and other parts of the foot.

Since every person’s feet are unique—and even your left and right foot can differ—custom foot orthotics provide a tailored solution compared to generic store-bought options. Custom orthotics are molded to your feet and designed to address their specific needs.

If you suffer from any of the following conditions, you should consider custom foot orthotics along with chiropractic care:

  • Lower Back Pain
  • Foot Pain, Plantar Fasciitis
  • Flat Feet
  • Achilles Tendonitis
  • Hip Pain
  • Knee Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Leg Length Discrepancy (Short Leg)
  • Back and Neck Pain

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